8 Ways to Save More on Electricity Bills in North Bend

During winter in North Bend, when heaters are running constantly, you may have started wondering how you could possibly save on your electric bill. From using insulating paint to using solar power, here are 8 smart tips to increase your home efficiency and significantly cut down on your monthly electric bill:

1.    Get an energy audit

There are many utility companies out there that offer a free home energy audit to their clients and you must take advantage of it.

2.    Install Dimmer Switches

Dimmer switches allow you to use light only as much as you require. Thus, install them now for lesser bill next month.

3.    Switch to LEDs

Do you know that LED light bulbs consume 90% lesser energy than incandescent bulbs? Thus, switch to compact fluorescent bulbs or LEDs for bright light at less price.

4.    Use Microwave instead of the oven

Since microwave use less electricity, switching from your oven to microwave can save more on electric costs in North Bend.

5.    Adjust your thermostat

Lowering the temperature by a few degrees can help you avoid unnecessarily heating it. Thus, when your home is empty, adjust your thermostat to save some bucks on energy. Also, replace your mechanical thermostat with electronic one to ensure savings between 15 and 20 percent on electric costs. Only heat the rooms where you spend the most time in.

6.    Use water savers

By limiting the flow of hot water through installation of low-flow shower taps and heads, you can save a lot of energy. Reducing the time you spend in showers can also be a cost-effective strategy to save more.

7.    Solar Power

Since seaboard properties in North Bend region have plentiful sunlight, you can save a lot of money in the long-run by investing into solar panels. Thereby, you are also ensuring green climate. Switch to solar lights for your outdoor needs that absorb the sun’s energy during the day while run for absolutely free at night, rendering a genuine bargain.

8.    Insulate doors and windows

Thoroughly check your doors and windows for any cracks and gaps. An easy way to point it out is to hold a candle near them. If the flame flickers, it means they are poorly insulated. Thus install weather-stripping at places where filling is required to make your doors and windows are well insulated against cold. This is because when they are properly sealed, you are reducing heating consumption. Also, insulate your hot water heater to prevent heat loss.

Final Note

If you need some help with the energy saving process for your home in North Bend, approach a real estate specialist who is expert at seaboard properties.

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